MS Excel-Combine data from multiple sheets into just one?
I have a workbook comprised of 15 sheets of data. The columns of data on each sheet are the same. The rows contain dated information where the sheets are split into different time frames.
I would like to combine all this data into one sheet so that I can sort and graph different items for the entire date period covered by all 15 sheets.
Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
The following macro should do the trick. This macro will append the data from the selected worksheet to the end of the active worksheet.
Sub MergeSheets()
' Appends data from all the selected worksheets onto the end of the
' active worksheet.
Const NHR = 1 'Number of header rows to not copy from each MWS
Dim MWS As Worksheet 'Worksheet to be merged (appended)
Dim AWS As Worksheet 'Worksheet to which the data are transferred
Dim FAR As Long 'First available row on AWS
Dim LR As Long 'Last row on the MWS sheets
Set AWS = ActiveSheet
For Each MWS In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
If Not MWS Is AWS Then
FAR = AWS.UsedRange.Cells(AWS.UsedRange.Cells.Count).Row + 1
LR = MWS.UsedRange.Cells(MWS.UsedRange.Cells.Count).Row
MWS.Range(MWS.Rows(NHR + 1), MWS.Rows(LR)).Copy AWS.Rows(FAR)
End If
Next MWS
End Sub
To install this macro, go to the VBE (keyboard Alt-TMM), insert a new macro module (Alt-IM), and paste the above code into the Code pane.
Before running the macro select all the sheets you want to merge (Ctrl-click on tab). The active worksheet will be the one that was active before selecting the others.
I have a workbook comprised of 15 sheets of data. The columns of data on each sheet are the same. The rows contain dated information where the sheets are split into different time frames.
I would like to combine all this data into one sheet so that I can sort and graph different items for the entire date period covered by all 15 sheets.
Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
The following macro should do the trick. This macro will append the data from the selected worksheet to the end of the active worksheet.
Sub MergeSheets()
' Appends data from all the selected worksheets onto the end of the
' active worksheet.
Const NHR = 1 'Number of header rows to not copy from each MWS
Dim MWS As Worksheet 'Worksheet to be merged (appended)
Dim AWS As Worksheet 'Worksheet to which the data are transferred
Dim FAR As Long 'First available row on AWS
Dim LR As Long 'Last row on the MWS sheets
Set AWS = ActiveSheet
For Each MWS In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
If Not MWS Is AWS Then
FAR = AWS.UsedRange.Cells(AWS.UsedRange.Cells.Count).Row + 1
LR = MWS.UsedRange.Cells(MWS.UsedRange.Cells.Count).Row
MWS.Range(MWS.Rows(NHR + 1), MWS.Rows(LR)).Copy AWS.Rows(FAR)
End If
Next MWS
End Sub
To install this macro, go to the VBE (keyboard Alt-TMM), insert a new macro module (Alt-IM), and paste the above code into the Code pane.
Before running the macro select all the sheets you want to merge (Ctrl-click on tab). The active worksheet will be the one that was active before selecting the others.
Labels: Combining Data, MS Excel, Multiple Sheets